We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the RoSPA Order of Distinction Award for the 23 consecutive years of Gold Awards recognising our consistent health and safety performance. The Order of Distinction is presented to those organisations who have achieved a minimum of 15 consecutive Gold Awards.
Neil Wilson, Octavius Infrastructure SHEA Director said “This award recognises our commitment to keep our people, and everyone that comes into contact with our works, safe and well.
We have focused on areas that will have the most impact to our people. Therefore, we have set key objectives around delivering inspirational Leadership, aligned People and effective Processes to drive SHE performance and provide greater assurance to our business. As a result, we have seen a significant improvement in all our key performance indicators around safe and assured delivery within our projects.
With over 2,000 entrants from over 50 countries, we are honoured to have been selected for this this prestigious award.
The award recognises our industry leading health and safety performance and several initiatives that we have implemented to make sure that everyone working on, and in contact with, our projects go home safe everyday. “

The prestigious annual scheme is run by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). Through the awards scheme judges consider entrants’ overarching occupational health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement. The order of distinction is presented to those organisations who have achieved a minimum of 15 consecutive Gold Awards.
It is only because of everyone’s hard work and commitment this achievement has been possible. Well done and thank you to everyone for your commitment to health and safety.