July’s wellbeing Wednesday session explored the topic of conflict. It is a natural state and happens in every ongoing relationship and in roles when we deal with people.
Conflict is a sign of a need for change and an opportunity for growth, so we need to learn to manage it. In this session we will discuss: how to navigate conflict constructively, effective communication strategies and conflict resolution techniques. The session was specifically tailored for people in customer-facing roles and frontline staff to help turn challenging interactions into opportunities for positive customer experiences.
Special guest, Jason Keeley, Founder and Director at IKON Training, shared top tips and techniques to help everyone manage and confidently navigate through any conflict with ease.
Sign up to August's wellbeing session
Thyroid Health
What are Wellbeing Wednesdays?
Wellbeing Wednesday livestreams are hosted on the first Wednesday of each month. They can be viewed live at 11am or later on catch-up. Please do subscribe via their website!
Whilst it is being delivered in partnership with Network Rail, the content applies to EVERYONE and you are all welcome, regardless of where you work.