Learning and sharing

Rail Wellbeing Wednesdays – February’s session

The first session of 2024 focused on the benefits of running.

Harry Morgan, host of Podcast and YouTube channel JOG ON, discussed how to start running if you have never ran before. He suggested popular running plans, and what happens to our body and brain during a run.  Also the long term mental benefits of exercise and running too.

If you missed the session or want to watch it again you can watch it on demand on the Rail Wellbeing website.

February’s session – The art of saying no

Have you ever wondered where to draw the line? Do you find yourself over-committing, people-pleasing, or have a fear of upsetting others? Setting personal boundaries is an essential tool for healthy living. It also happens to be one of the hardest things to do. February’s Wellbeing Wednesday will be hosted by psychotherapist, counsellor and author, Jennie Miller, who works with clients with a wide range of problems, such as relationships, depression, bereavement, stress, work-life balance, and the impact of this on their health and wellbeing. Jennie will share the benefits of boundary setting, how to establish whether you have healthy boundaries already and the consequences of unhealthy boundaries.

You will leave the session feeling more in control and able to get on the front foot – saving you from unnecessary overthinking, stress, or worry.

Sign up to February’s wellbeing session

Click Here

Wellbeing Wednesday livestreams are hosted on the first Wednesday of each month. They can be viewed live at 11am or later on catch-up. Please do subscribe via their website!

Whilst it is being delivered in partnership with Network Rail, the content applies to EVERYONE and you are all welcome, regardless of where you work. www.railwellbeinglive.co.uk

Your stories

Have you got an interesting story to tell?

If you have any feedback or if you would like to contribute to the next issue please let us know!