Welcome back! Whether you had some time off or were working we hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. As each of our sites and offices returned to work it was great to see our “Back to Work” Briefings taking place, re-focusing and reminding our team’s of our STOPThink! fundamentals; which are the 8 key essential key ingredients that we believe are essential for assured and safe delivery across our business. The briefings had taken place after, what for many was an extended period of leave.
“Despite all that we have achieved in 2023 in improving our SHE culture and introduction of new systems and processes, we experienced some challenges in our safety performance. We experienced a number of high potential events, together with minor accidents that were often avoidable. Our safety data also highlighted that 60% of all people accidents in 2023 were hand or finger injuries. Network Rail have released a briefing video on hand safety, which formed part of our briefings. If you haven’t already I urge you to watch the video to remind yourself of the impact of hand injuries on individuals.
- They are a reminder of the risks around key activities
- Seasonal issues, such as working in the cold during winter, can be discussed
- They are a reminder of any hazards onsite and any other changes
- First aiders and those responsible for safety and site specific emergency procedures can be reintroduced
- They ensure everyone understands our STOPThink! Fundamentals
- They remind everyone of good housekeeping practises.
This year through everyone’s hard work we do not want anyone to be harmed, with everyone going home safe every day. If there is anything you believe that can be improved, please speak to your Site Manager or submit an Improvement Opportunity (IO).